1. Jurisprudence នីតិសាស្ត្រ science or philosophy of law, study
of legal system and a collective term used for the body of case law
2. Jury ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាតុលាការ group of people selected to come to a verdict on question of fact based on evidence presented in court
3. Land law ច្បាប់ភូមិបាល body of law relating to the ownership of real estate, that is land and the building on it
. Landlord and tenant ម្ចាស់ដី និងអ្នកជួលដី/ភតិកៈ law including both contract and property law, and governs the commercial and residential property rights and obligation of an owner and renter of a real property interest for a given period of time, usually determined by a lease
5. Landlord or landlady ម្ចាស់ដី persons who owns property and either rents it or leases it to another for money
6. Law clinic កន្លែងប្រឹក្សាច្បាប់ facility offering free or discounted legal assistance, often run by law school and staffed by law students under supervision of lawyers
7. Law firm ការិយាល័យមេធាវី company formed by lawyers to engage in the practice of law
8. Law practice ការអនុវត្តច្បាប់ see law firm
9. Lawsuit បណ្តឹង action or proceeding brought in court (also suit)
10. Lease ភតិសន្យា contract for which the use and occupation of a property is conveyed to another ,usually in exchange for a sum of money (rent)
11. Lease hold ការកាន់កាប់អចលនទ្រព្យ property whose duration of ownership or occupation is fixed or capable of being fixed
12. Legal assistance ជំនួយការច្បាប់ advice and representation of being fixed
13. Legal person នីតិបុគ្គល artificial entity created by law and given legal rights and duties, for example a corporation
14. Legislature នីតិបញ្ញត្តិ selected body of people, usually elected, invested with the responsibility and power to make and repeal laws for a political unit, such as a state or nation. Congress and parliament are legislatures.
15. Liability ភាពទទួលខុសត្រូវ legal responsibility
16. Liable អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ to be legally responsible
17. Licensee អ្នកទទួលអាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ a right to use property for a purpose without conferring ownership or possession. Such right can be taken away at the will of the one granting the right (Us license)
18. Life estate ការកាន់កាប់អចលនវត្តុក្នុងមួយជីវិត estate granted only for the life of the grantee
19. Limited liability ការទទួលខុសត្រូវមានកំរិត limitation of an owner/investor’s financial losses or responsibility, usually limited to the value of a person’s investment in a company or partnership with limited liability
20. Litigation ការប្តឹងផ្តល់ dispute brought be for a court for determination or solution
21. Litigation and arbitration ការប្តឹងផ្តល់ និងការវិនិច្ឆ័យ litigation entails brining a lawsuit in the court , whereas arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution conducted outside the court
22. Loss of earnings capacity បាត់បង់សមត្ថភាពរកប្រាក់ចំនូល to lose one’s ability to make a living
23. Mediation ការសម្រុះសម្រួល method of resolving disputes where the parties are actively involved in the decision making process
24. Memorandum of association អនុស្សរណៈនៃសមាគមន៏ legal document that sets out the important elements of the corporation, including its name, address, object and power. It is one of the two fundamental document s upon which registration of a company is based; (US articles of incorporation)
25. Mens rea កំនត់បង្ហាញពីបទល្មើសព្រហ្មទណ្ឌ criminal intent (compare to actus reus, the criminal act )
26. Mercantile agency ភ្នាក់ងារពាណិជ្ជកម្ម institution which deals with the supply of credit information about business organizations to other business and financial institution
27. Misdemeanor បទល្មើសមជ្ឈឹម petty offence, a crime less serious than a felony; (US misdemeanor)
28. Misstatement ចាប់កំហុស statement that is false, misleading or contains a mistake
29. Monopoly right ការផ្តាច់មុខ privilege granted by the government (e.g. a patent) to a person or entity to edclude all others from using, producing or selling a certain invention
30. Mortgage ហ៊ីប៉ូតែក transfer of legal title of a property, often land, to another as security for payment of a debt
31. Nation state ប្រទេសជាតិ independent state in which the majority of the citizens share the same cultural heritage and, particularly, the same language
32. Negligence សេចក្តីប្រមាថ failure to be as careful as the law demands
33. Negligence tort កុំហុសធ្វេសប្រហែស unintended injury caused by lack of care or a failure to act, in contrast to an intentional tort
34. Negotiable instruments លិខិតតុបករណ៏ពាណិជ្ជកម្ម (UK) written and signed documents which represent an intangible right of payment for a specified sum of money on demand or at a defined time. Some examples are bills of exchange, promissory note, bank cheques or certification of deposit (US commercial paper)
35. Negotiation ការចចារ process in which parties who are considering forming a contract discuss and settle on the terms and conditions of the contract
36. Non-breaching party ភាគីដែលមិនបានរំលោភកិច្ចសន្យា party to a contract who has suffered a breaching party
37. Non-contentious work ការដោះស្រាយវិវាទ work that largely involves advising clients and is not between contending parties, such as the drafting of contracts
38. Norm បទដ្ឋាន commonly accepted standard of behavior or manner of doing things
39. Not guilty គ្មានកំហុស court’s finding of acquittal, finding that the defendants is legally blameless
40. Obligations កាតព្វកិច្ច duties that a party has as a result of the terms and condition of the contract
41. Offence បទល្មើស crime; (US offense)
42. Offender ជនល្មើស person who commits a crime
43. Oral contract កិច្ចសន្យាផ្ទាល់មាត់ unwritten, binding agreement
44. Order បញ្ជា direction or command by an authorized person or body
45. Outline convention គោលសន្ធិសញ្ញា see framework used convention generally in the EU context
46. Pain and suffering ការឈឺចាប់ physical, mental and emotional distress or trauma for which compensation is given in a tort case
47. Parole ការលើកលែងទោស early release from prison after serving part of the sentence, usually under supervision and upon certain condition
48. Partnership ក្រុមហ៊ុនសហកម្មសិទ្ធិ business organization in which two or more people agree to do business together, sharing the profits and losses of the profits and losses of the business together
49. Party ភាគី person who talk part in a business or transaction, person involved in a suit or dispute resolution proceedings
50. Patent ប្រកាសនីយប័ត្រកម្ម grant from the government giving exclusive rights to an inventor to make, use or sell an intention for a specified period of time.
51. Personal property ចលនទ្រព្យ things that are movable (as opposed to real property) and capable of being owned (also chattels in common law).
52. Personality កម្មសិទ្ធិ sometimes called an artificial person or legal entity/person. It is legal fiction of identity law which allows natural persons to act as if they were a single composite individual for certain purposes such as creating a business entity or structure. It has legal rights, rights, duties and obligations.
53. Petty theft ចារកម្ម stealing something of low value (in some jurisdictions less than $400), in contrast to grand theft, where the value of the stolen goods is greater
54. Pleadings សេចក្តីសំអាង formal written statements setting cause of action or defiance in a case
55. Preponderance of the evidence ឧត្តមានុភាពភស្តុតាង standard of proof in civil cases requiring that one side’s case must be more probable than not
56. Pre-trial work ការសម្របសម្រួលមុនចូលតុលាការ work carried out before the matter proceeds to trial before a court
57. Private international law នីតិអន្តរជាតិឯកជន body of law dealing with disputes between private persons living in different jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments(also conflict of laws)
58. Private law នីតិឯកជន body of law that is concerned with the aspects of relationships between individuals that are of no direct concern to the state and in which the government is not directly concerned. It includes the law of property and of trusts, family law, the law of contracts and the law of torts.
59. Probation ការព្យួរទោស sentence which allows the convicted offender to be released into the community under supervision instead of going to prison
60. Proceedings ដំណើរការនីតិវិធី formal process including the steps taken in an action or dispute
61. Property interest ការចាត់ចែង ការប្តឹង share, claim, title or right in property
62. Proscribe ប្រកាសហាមឃាត់ to prohibit
63. Prosecution ព្រះរាជអាជ្ញា bringing a criminal case before a court
64. Prosecutor រាជរាជ្ញា lawyer who brings criminal cases on behalf of the state
65. Public international law នីតិអន្តរជាតិសាធារណៈ body of laws governing relationships between state or nations
66. Public law នីតិសាធារណៈ body of law that deals with the relationship between the state and individuals.
67. Public-order crime បទប្រឆាំងអ្នករាជការ behavior that is criminalized because it is not compatible with society’s shared values. There is usually no direct victim but the community, as a whole, suffers. Drug crime, public drunkenness and gambling are some public-order crimes.
68. Publicly listed company ក្រុមហ៊ុនមហាជន business structure which is permitted to offer its shares for sake to the general public and traded on a public stock exchange.
69. Punitive damages សំណងជម្ងឺចិត្តនៃការបំពានកិច្ចសន្យា compensation designed to punish the beaching party for conduct found to be reprehensible, e.g. fraud (also exemplary damages)
70. Rape ចាប់រំលោភ unlawful sexual intercourse committed by force or threat or otherwise without consent
71. Ratify ឲ្យសច្ចាប័ន to adopt, approve and sanction; to make valid; to establish; to settle or affirm by express or implied consent to something dine by an agent or servant; as, to rarify an agreement, treaty or contract; to ratify a nomination
72. Real estate អចលនទ្រព្យ land and anything attached to it
73. Real property អចលនទ្រព្យ land, including anything attached to it
74. Real property law ច្បាប់ស្តីពីអចលនទ្រព្យ law associated with the obligations, use and right of ownership of land or whatever is growing on it or built on it
75. Reasonable medical expenses សំណងលើព្យសនកម្ម cost of medical care for injuries caused by a tort for which compensation is given in a tort case
76. Regulation បទបញ្ជា act of regulating by a rule of conduct or order usually issued by a government agency or established authority having the force of law
77. Regulator និយ័តករ official responsible for the control and supervision of particular activity or area of public interest, who ensues compliance with laws and established rules and regulation
78. Reliance ទំនុកចិត្ត ឬ សង្ឃឹមលើ actions by a party showing that he or she expected another party to act in a certain way
79. Relief ការអនុគ្រោះ granting of a remedy by a court (e.g. damage s, injunction, return of property, etc.)
80. Religious (or theological)legalsystemsប្រព័ន្ធច្បាប់សាសនាsystems of legal rules based on religious teachings
81. Remedy ឧបាស្រ័យ to enforce a right, cure a wrong or compensate an injury
82. Rent ជួល payment made to a landlord or landlady for the use of property
83. Right of use សិទ្ធិប្រើប្រាសអាស្រ័យផល right to specific use of property that is less than a full right of ownership
84. Rights សិទ្ធិ interest that are recognized and protects by law
85. Secured transactions ការលក់មូលធនប័ត្រ loans or credit transaction in which the lender acquires a security interest in certain property owned by the borrower and has the right to repossess the property if the borrower cannot pay
86. Securities មូលធនប័ត្រ investment instruments like stocks or bonds
87. Sentence ការប្រកាសទោស to impose a certain
88. Settlement ការទូទាត់1) agreement reached between the parties to a dispute resolving the dispute; 2) the amount granted or paid under such an agreement is also referred to as the settlement
89. Shareholders ម្ចាស់ហ៊ុន owners of a share of a company/corporation through a proportionate ownership interest of stock or equity
90. Shareholding members កូនហ៊ុន those who invest money in a business entity and receive shares in return representing a promotional ownership
91. Socialist law ច្បាប់សង្គមនិយម used to refer to the system of legal rules used in socialist countries (also Soviet law)
92. Sole practitioner លក់ផ្តាច់មុខ lawyer who practice on his/her own
93. Sole proprietor ម្ចាសកម្មសិទ្ធិផ្តាច់មុខ single person who earns all the profits and is personally liable for all the debts of losses of the business structure
94. Solicitor មេធាវី (UK) lawyer who is qualified to give legal advice and prepare legal documents
95. Specific performance ការបំពេញកាតព្វកិច្ចជាក់លាក់ when a court orders the breaching party to perform its part of a contract
96. Standard of proof ស្តង់ដានៃភស្តុតាង amount of evidence needed a certain type of case, for example the standard of proof in a criminal case is proof beyond a reasonable doubt, whereas the standard of proof in most civil cases in a preponderance of the evidence (see also guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and preponderance)
97. Statue of Frauds ការចាត់ទុកថាជាការបោកបន្លំ piece of legislation which declares that certain kinds of contract, for example those regarding land, pending marriage and the sake of goods worth over a certain amount of money, will be invalid unless put into writing and signed by both parties. The original statute was enacted in English in 1677 and serves as a basis for the US statutes
98. Statutory forms (statute) កំនត់ដោយលក្ខន្តិកៈ standardized documents of basic corporate constitution requirements, which a company may adopt in the creation of a company. these help define the existence of the company, regulate the legal and financial structure and control of the company, and organize the company’s internal affairs and management
99. Strict liability crime ការទទួលខុសត្រូវព្រហ្មទណ្ឌ crime that does not require intent to break the law. Among these crimes are parking violation and acts that endanger public welfare, like dumping of toxic wastes.
100. Strict liability tort ការទទួលខុសត្រូវលើព្យសនកម្ម where liability is imposed for damage caused regardless of fault or intent. That means the victim does not need to prove negligence. Strict liability is common in cases regarding defectively manufactured products
101. Substantive law ច្បាប់សាជីកម្ម body of law defining rights, duties and obligations and all matters that are not procedural
102. Sue (for) បណ្តឹង to start civil proceedings in a court
103. Supranational law ច្បាប់លើជាតិសាសន៏ផ្សេង international law dealing with the constraint on the rights of states or nations in relation to each other
104. Tax law ច្បាប់ពន្ធដារ law regulating rates or sums of money
105. Tenant អ្នកជួល person who has a right to hold or possess usually in return for the payment of rent
106. Third party (third-party beneficiary) តតិយជន person who is not party to an agreement or an action but who may have an interest in it.
107. Title interest សិទ្ធិទទួលប្រយោជន៏ right to control or dispense of property or the right to ownership in property
108. Tort បង្កព្យសនកម្ម any wrongdoing that result in an injury, other than breach of contract, for which the court will give damages
109. Tortfeasor អ្នកបង្កព្យសនកម្ម person who commits a tort (see tort)
110. Tortuous conduct ការបង្កឲ្យកើតព្យសនកម្ម wrongful acts in the nature of a tort (see trot)
111. Trade agreement កិច្ចព្រមព្រៀងពាណិជ្ជកម្ម treaty or enforceable arrangement between two nations or multi-nations committing them to specified terms of commerce, usually involving mutually beneficial concessions including eliminating trade barriers
112. Trespass ការបំពាន unlawful invasion of a dispute between parties
113. Trail ជុំនុំជំម្រះ legal examination in court of a dispute between parties
114. unfair business practices ការមិនគោរពតាមច្បាប់ពាណិជ្ជកម្ម acts by businesses against consumers which are misleading or fraudulent
115. uniform law ច្បាប់រូបរួម law which has become the same or similar in different nations
116. Victim ជនរងគ្រោះ injured party or the person who was the object of a crime or tort
117. White-collar crime (business/ corporate crime) បទប្រឆំាងនឹងការរកស៊ីពាណិជ្ជករ non-violent offence usually committed by business people or government officials, typically property crimes and economic crimes. Also includes bribery, environment law violations and money laundering, among many others.
2. Jury ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាតុលាការ group of people selected to come to a verdict on question of fact based on evidence presented in court
3. Land law ច្បាប់ភូមិបាល body of law relating to the ownership of real estate, that is land and the building on it
. Landlord and tenant ម្ចាស់ដី និងអ្នកជួលដី/ភតិកៈ law including both contract and property law, and governs the commercial and residential property rights and obligation of an owner and renter of a real property interest for a given period of time, usually determined by a lease
5. Landlord or landlady ម្ចាស់ដី persons who owns property and either rents it or leases it to another for money
6. Law clinic កន្លែងប្រឹក្សាច្បាប់ facility offering free or discounted legal assistance, often run by law school and staffed by law students under supervision of lawyers
7. Law firm ការិយាល័យមេធាវី company formed by lawyers to engage in the practice of law
8. Law practice ការអនុវត្តច្បាប់ see law firm
9. Lawsuit បណ្តឹង action or proceeding brought in court (also suit)
10. Lease ភតិសន្យា contract for which the use and occupation of a property is conveyed to another ,usually in exchange for a sum of money (rent)
11. Lease hold ការកាន់កាប់អចលនទ្រព្យ property whose duration of ownership or occupation is fixed or capable of being fixed
12. Legal assistance ជំនួយការច្បាប់ advice and representation of being fixed
13. Legal person នីតិបុគ្គល artificial entity created by law and given legal rights and duties, for example a corporation
14. Legislature នីតិបញ្ញត្តិ selected body of people, usually elected, invested with the responsibility and power to make and repeal laws for a political unit, such as a state or nation. Congress and parliament are legislatures.
15. Liability ភាពទទួលខុសត្រូវ legal responsibility
16. Liable អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ to be legally responsible
17. Licensee អ្នកទទួលអាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ a right to use property for a purpose without conferring ownership or possession. Such right can be taken away at the will of the one granting the right (Us license)
18. Life estate ការកាន់កាប់អចលនវត្តុក្នុងមួយជីវិត estate granted only for the life of the grantee
19. Limited liability ការទទួលខុសត្រូវមានកំរិត limitation of an owner/investor’s financial losses or responsibility, usually limited to the value of a person’s investment in a company or partnership with limited liability
20. Litigation ការប្តឹងផ្តល់ dispute brought be for a court for determination or solution
21. Litigation and arbitration ការប្តឹងផ្តល់ និងការវិនិច្ឆ័យ litigation entails brining a lawsuit in the court , whereas arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution conducted outside the court
22. Loss of earnings capacity បាត់បង់សមត្ថភាពរកប្រាក់ចំនូល to lose one’s ability to make a living
23. Mediation ការសម្រុះសម្រួល method of resolving disputes where the parties are actively involved in the decision making process
24. Memorandum of association អនុស្សរណៈនៃសមាគមន៏ legal document that sets out the important elements of the corporation, including its name, address, object and power. It is one of the two fundamental document s upon which registration of a company is based; (US articles of incorporation)
25. Mens rea កំនត់បង្ហាញពីបទល្មើសព្រហ្មទណ្ឌ criminal intent (compare to actus reus, the criminal act )
26. Mercantile agency ភ្នាក់ងារពាណិជ្ជកម្ម institution which deals with the supply of credit information about business organizations to other business and financial institution
27. Misdemeanor បទល្មើសមជ្ឈឹម petty offence, a crime less serious than a felony; (US misdemeanor)
28. Misstatement ចាប់កំហុស statement that is false, misleading or contains a mistake
29. Monopoly right ការផ្តាច់មុខ privilege granted by the government (e.g. a patent) to a person or entity to edclude all others from using, producing or selling a certain invention
30. Mortgage ហ៊ីប៉ូតែក transfer of legal title of a property, often land, to another as security for payment of a debt
31. Nation state ប្រទេសជាតិ independent state in which the majority of the citizens share the same cultural heritage and, particularly, the same language
32. Negligence សេចក្តីប្រមាថ failure to be as careful as the law demands
33. Negligence tort កុំហុសធ្វេសប្រហែស unintended injury caused by lack of care or a failure to act, in contrast to an intentional tort
34. Negotiable instruments លិខិតតុបករណ៏ពាណិជ្ជកម្ម (UK) written and signed documents which represent an intangible right of payment for a specified sum of money on demand or at a defined time. Some examples are bills of exchange, promissory note, bank cheques or certification of deposit (US commercial paper)
35. Negotiation ការចចារ process in which parties who are considering forming a contract discuss and settle on the terms and conditions of the contract
36. Non-breaching party ភាគីដែលមិនបានរំលោភកិច្ចសន្យា party to a contract who has suffered a breaching party
37. Non-contentious work ការដោះស្រាយវិវាទ work that largely involves advising clients and is not between contending parties, such as the drafting of contracts
38. Norm បទដ្ឋាន commonly accepted standard of behavior or manner of doing things
39. Not guilty គ្មានកំហុស court’s finding of acquittal, finding that the defendants is legally blameless
40. Obligations កាតព្វកិច្ច duties that a party has as a result of the terms and condition of the contract
41. Offence បទល្មើស crime; (US offense)
42. Offender ជនល្មើស person who commits a crime
43. Oral contract កិច្ចសន្យាផ្ទាល់មាត់ unwritten, binding agreement
44. Order បញ្ជា direction or command by an authorized person or body
45. Outline convention គោលសន្ធិសញ្ញា see framework used convention generally in the EU context
46. Pain and suffering ការឈឺចាប់ physical, mental and emotional distress or trauma for which compensation is given in a tort case
47. Parole ការលើកលែងទោស early release from prison after serving part of the sentence, usually under supervision and upon certain condition
48. Partnership ក្រុមហ៊ុនសហកម្មសិទ្ធិ business organization in which two or more people agree to do business together, sharing the profits and losses of the profits and losses of the business together
49. Party ភាគី person who talk part in a business or transaction, person involved in a suit or dispute resolution proceedings
50. Patent ប្រកាសនីយប័ត្រកម្ម grant from the government giving exclusive rights to an inventor to make, use or sell an intention for a specified period of time.
51. Personal property ចលនទ្រព្យ things that are movable (as opposed to real property) and capable of being owned (also chattels in common law).
52. Personality កម្មសិទ្ធិ sometimes called an artificial person or legal entity/person. It is legal fiction of identity law which allows natural persons to act as if they were a single composite individual for certain purposes such as creating a business entity or structure. It has legal rights, rights, duties and obligations.
53. Petty theft ចារកម្ម stealing something of low value (in some jurisdictions less than $400), in contrast to grand theft, where the value of the stolen goods is greater
54. Pleadings សេចក្តីសំអាង formal written statements setting cause of action or defiance in a case
55. Preponderance of the evidence ឧត្តមានុភាពភស្តុតាង standard of proof in civil cases requiring that one side’s case must be more probable than not
56. Pre-trial work ការសម្របសម្រួលមុនចូលតុលាការ work carried out before the matter proceeds to trial before a court
57. Private international law នីតិអន្តរជាតិឯកជន body of law dealing with disputes between private persons living in different jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments(also conflict of laws)
58. Private law នីតិឯកជន body of law that is concerned with the aspects of relationships between individuals that are of no direct concern to the state and in which the government is not directly concerned. It includes the law of property and of trusts, family law, the law of contracts and the law of torts.
59. Probation ការព្យួរទោស sentence which allows the convicted offender to be released into the community under supervision instead of going to prison
60. Proceedings ដំណើរការនីតិវិធី formal process including the steps taken in an action or dispute
61. Property interest ការចាត់ចែង ការប្តឹង share, claim, title or right in property
62. Proscribe ប្រកាសហាមឃាត់ to prohibit
63. Prosecution ព្រះរាជអាជ្ញា bringing a criminal case before a court
64. Prosecutor រាជរាជ្ញា lawyer who brings criminal cases on behalf of the state
65. Public international law នីតិអន្តរជាតិសាធារណៈ body of laws governing relationships between state or nations
66. Public law នីតិសាធារណៈ body of law that deals with the relationship between the state and individuals.
67. Public-order crime បទប្រឆាំងអ្នករាជការ behavior that is criminalized because it is not compatible with society’s shared values. There is usually no direct victim but the community, as a whole, suffers. Drug crime, public drunkenness and gambling are some public-order crimes.
68. Publicly listed company ក្រុមហ៊ុនមហាជន business structure which is permitted to offer its shares for sake to the general public and traded on a public stock exchange.
69. Punitive damages សំណងជម្ងឺចិត្តនៃការបំពានកិច្ចសន្យា compensation designed to punish the beaching party for conduct found to be reprehensible, e.g. fraud (also exemplary damages)
70. Rape ចាប់រំលោភ unlawful sexual intercourse committed by force or threat or otherwise without consent
71. Ratify ឲ្យសច្ចាប័ន to adopt, approve and sanction; to make valid; to establish; to settle or affirm by express or implied consent to something dine by an agent or servant; as, to rarify an agreement, treaty or contract; to ratify a nomination
72. Real estate អចលនទ្រព្យ land and anything attached to it
73. Real property អចលនទ្រព្យ land, including anything attached to it
74. Real property law ច្បាប់ស្តីពីអចលនទ្រព្យ law associated with the obligations, use and right of ownership of land or whatever is growing on it or built on it
75. Reasonable medical expenses សំណងលើព្យសនកម្ម cost of medical care for injuries caused by a tort for which compensation is given in a tort case
76. Regulation បទបញ្ជា act of regulating by a rule of conduct or order usually issued by a government agency or established authority having the force of law
77. Regulator និយ័តករ official responsible for the control and supervision of particular activity or area of public interest, who ensues compliance with laws and established rules and regulation
78. Reliance ទំនុកចិត្ត ឬ សង្ឃឹមលើ actions by a party showing that he or she expected another party to act in a certain way
79. Relief ការអនុគ្រោះ granting of a remedy by a court (e.g. damage s, injunction, return of property, etc.)
80. Religious (or theological)legalsystemsប្រព័ន្ធច្បាប់សាសនាsystems of legal rules based on religious teachings
81. Remedy ឧបាស្រ័យ to enforce a right, cure a wrong or compensate an injury
82. Rent ជួល payment made to a landlord or landlady for the use of property
83. Right of use សិទ្ធិប្រើប្រាសអាស្រ័យផល right to specific use of property that is less than a full right of ownership
84. Rights សិទ្ធិ interest that are recognized and protects by law
85. Secured transactions ការលក់មូលធនប័ត្រ loans or credit transaction in which the lender acquires a security interest in certain property owned by the borrower and has the right to repossess the property if the borrower cannot pay
86. Securities មូលធនប័ត្រ investment instruments like stocks or bonds
87. Sentence ការប្រកាសទោស to impose a certain
88. Settlement ការទូទាត់1) agreement reached between the parties to a dispute resolving the dispute; 2) the amount granted or paid under such an agreement is also referred to as the settlement
89. Shareholders ម្ចាស់ហ៊ុន owners of a share of a company/corporation through a proportionate ownership interest of stock or equity
90. Shareholding members កូនហ៊ុន those who invest money in a business entity and receive shares in return representing a promotional ownership
91. Socialist law ច្បាប់សង្គមនិយម used to refer to the system of legal rules used in socialist countries (also Soviet law)
92. Sole practitioner លក់ផ្តាច់មុខ lawyer who practice on his/her own
93. Sole proprietor ម្ចាសកម្មសិទ្ធិផ្តាច់មុខ single person who earns all the profits and is personally liable for all the debts of losses of the business structure
94. Solicitor មេធាវី (UK) lawyer who is qualified to give legal advice and prepare legal documents
95. Specific performance ការបំពេញកាតព្វកិច្ចជាក់លាក់ when a court orders the breaching party to perform its part of a contract
96. Standard of proof ស្តង់ដានៃភស្តុតាង amount of evidence needed a certain type of case, for example the standard of proof in a criminal case is proof beyond a reasonable doubt, whereas the standard of proof in most civil cases in a preponderance of the evidence (see also guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and preponderance)
97. Statue of Frauds ការចាត់ទុកថាជាការបោកបន្លំ piece of legislation which declares that certain kinds of contract, for example those regarding land, pending marriage and the sake of goods worth over a certain amount of money, will be invalid unless put into writing and signed by both parties. The original statute was enacted in English in 1677 and serves as a basis for the US statutes
98. Statutory forms (statute) កំនត់ដោយលក្ខន្តិកៈ standardized documents of basic corporate constitution requirements, which a company may adopt in the creation of a company. these help define the existence of the company, regulate the legal and financial structure and control of the company, and organize the company’s internal affairs and management
99. Strict liability crime ការទទួលខុសត្រូវព្រហ្មទណ្ឌ crime that does not require intent to break the law. Among these crimes are parking violation and acts that endanger public welfare, like dumping of toxic wastes.
100. Strict liability tort ការទទួលខុសត្រូវលើព្យសនកម្ម where liability is imposed for damage caused regardless of fault or intent. That means the victim does not need to prove negligence. Strict liability is common in cases regarding defectively manufactured products
101. Substantive law ច្បាប់សាជីកម្ម body of law defining rights, duties and obligations and all matters that are not procedural
102. Sue (for) បណ្តឹង to start civil proceedings in a court
103. Supranational law ច្បាប់លើជាតិសាសន៏ផ្សេង international law dealing with the constraint on the rights of states or nations in relation to each other
104. Tax law ច្បាប់ពន្ធដារ law regulating rates or sums of money
105. Tenant អ្នកជួល person who has a right to hold or possess usually in return for the payment of rent
106. Third party (third-party beneficiary) តតិយជន person who is not party to an agreement or an action but who may have an interest in it.
107. Title interest សិទ្ធិទទួលប្រយោជន៏ right to control or dispense of property or the right to ownership in property
108. Tort បង្កព្យសនកម្ម any wrongdoing that result in an injury, other than breach of contract, for which the court will give damages
109. Tortfeasor អ្នកបង្កព្យសនកម្ម person who commits a tort (see tort)
110. Tortuous conduct ការបង្កឲ្យកើតព្យសនកម្ម wrongful acts in the nature of a tort (see trot)
111. Trade agreement កិច្ចព្រមព្រៀងពាណិជ្ជកម្ម treaty or enforceable arrangement between two nations or multi-nations committing them to specified terms of commerce, usually involving mutually beneficial concessions including eliminating trade barriers
112. Trespass ការបំពាន unlawful invasion of a dispute between parties
113. Trail ជុំនុំជំម្រះ legal examination in court of a dispute between parties
114. unfair business practices ការមិនគោរពតាមច្បាប់ពាណិជ្ជកម្ម acts by businesses against consumers which are misleading or fraudulent
115. uniform law ច្បាប់រូបរួម law which has become the same or similar in different nations
116. Victim ជនរងគ្រោះ injured party or the person who was the object of a crime or tort
117. White-collar crime (business/ corporate crime) បទប្រឆំាងនឹងការរកស៊ីពាណិជ្ជករ non-violent offence usually committed by business people or government officials, typically property crimes and economic crimes. Also includes bribery, environment law violations and money laundering, among many others.
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